First, I looked into the Moon. The queen there has hatched - I saw the empty cell - but is not laying yet. I didn't see her during my inspection, which was fairly thorough. There aren't many drones (where would they come from?) and not all frames in the brood box have been drawn out yet, though one super is fairly heavy with honey. The bees were faintly aggressive again (I was stung four times). So for the Moon, it's sit and wait again, though somehow I'm not confident the queen will be a success.
The Star was an entirely different story. If you remember, here we had a dark queen laying well last time I looked and I had decided to feed them up, so they would draw out more comb in the brood box. Well, imagine my dismay when the edge frames were as flat and clear as before and most of the honey was stored in what used to be brood frames. What had happened here? I saw a number of queen cells and thought the bees must be getting ready to swarm. Silly me. I started removing the queen cells and as luck would have it (I must have a generous guardian bee watching over me), from one of the ones I had removed very carefully a queen emerged. I was gobsmacked, to say the least. I quickly caught her in the queen tube and put her to one side, not sure what the rest of the inspection would bring. I removed about five other queen cells, one of which had a queen almost ready to hatch, but still pale. As I went through frame after frame, it became clear that the Star had no queen any more. Where has she gone? Having done no inspection since I saw her last and today, I couldn't have squashed her. The bees have not swarmed, as numbers, I felt, were pretty much the same as last time.
Removed queen cells - one with an almost 'finished' queen |
Anyway, I marked the queen, who is as yet unmated, and released her into the hive. My heart missed a beat when on landing on a brood frame a bee went up to her and looked like she was going to sting her! That would have been the last thing I needed. Luckily, the queen was not stung as I saw her later. She will hopefully mate and then all will be fine with the Star again.
Nevertheless, I am at a complete loss. Why are both colonies getting through their queens so quickly? Queens don't leave the hive (unless they want to swarm) - so what happened? I will have to do a lot of reading up over the summer to try and solve this mystery. In the meantime, I hope the bees sort themselves out, so we can return to some semblance of normality.