Tuesday, 14 May 2013

ETA for the bees!

Talked to the beekeeper who is supplying our bees. They will be brought to the school on the 6th June. Am very excited!

Am hoping to turn their arrival into a bit of a happening - once again to raise awareness and involve the pupils. As we have three children's beesuits, I would like to have three pupils present in close proximity to the hives. Additionally, my two co-beekeepers (we are a team of three), will also be resplendent in their new white suits. Haven't thought of what else we could do, except for photos and a few words from the headmaster (a champagne bottle against the hives sounds decidedly unwise and playing 'The Arrival of the Queen of Sheba' sounds just a tadge tacky).

Any ideas?

1 comment:

  1. Easy:
    I'm A Little Black Cloud (Winnie the Pooh)
    Bee Song (Arthur Askey)
    Bee Gees!
