Sunday, 10 November 2013

Shedloads of work

With the foul weather we've been having lately, it came as small surprise that the shed in which I had stored the bee equipment (I had usurped a corner of the shed of the school's gardening club) was not quite as waterproof as one would like it to be. Also, conditions being rather cramped, I was on the lookout for a special shed to keep just the bee equipment in and dry. There is a shed next to the gardening club shed, but this had always been used to store sport equipment. When I heard they were moving out, I bagsied (shot-gunned) the shed and the maintenance department did a splendid job re-roofing, re-flooring and re-windowing it. And now we have our very own bee shed.

Many times have I mentioned the advantages of working in a school environment. Getting the shed is just another example. And for those of you who aren't sick yet of me going on about how great it is to be beekeeping in a school, here's another example: I was on my way to the shed to transfer all the equipment from old to new, when two pupils came to me, asked me whether I was going to the bees and could they join and help me. There are always little helpers around, so a special thanks to JP and Lewfinn for helping to move the bee equipment to the new shed. Without their aid the move would have taken longer and would not have been as fun as it was.

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