Monday, 24 February 2014

Thunderbirds are go!

Having not had a single decent day since the year began, the recent spate of sunshine has obviously led to a huge catch-up exercise by mother nature. A very wise friend of mine, who spends more time outdoors than I do, had already commented on bees flying about. So, with temperatures mild and the sun balmy, I went to check whether the bees were out and about. And they were!
The Moon is picking up where it left off and is once again out to prove it is the better colony. Many bees crowded around its entrance and I saw some carrying pollen. The Star also had workers out, but not as many. So slightly more sluggish, as last year.

Star still slow going
The Moon takes the lead

But I am excited that the bees have taken to the air and will now have to make sure that all is ready for whatever antics they get up to. If the weather holds I plan to inspect the hives briefly next week and will probably start syrup-feeding them again, so number go up ready for the first honey flow.

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