Tuesday, 16 December 2014

A new stand

Since wrapping the bees up, it has been quiet around the hive. In fact, I've hardly been down (or up) to the hive, but I hear from passers-by that the bees have been fairly quiet. But while they are having their well-deserved winter rest - just lazing about the house in their slippers sipping honey - others have been busy.
After the catastrophic collapse of the Star stand, I have been wanting to put the hives on firmer supports. So I drew a plan of what I was looking for and persuaded bursary and groundsmen that this is what we needed. Actually they didn't need a lot of persuasion: whenever the bees are concerned I seem to be running in open doors.
The other day I was told that phase one of the new stand had been completed and the posts where firmly stuck in the ground. Bars will be fixed to the posts and the hives then placed on these parallel bars, making all the bees little gymnasts.

The beginnings of a four-poster bed for the hives

While admiring the work done so far, I noticed one or two stray bees at the entrance to the Moon. It was a fine day, though cold, and I guess the bees were just checking that it wasn't spring and they could still go on eating, sleeping and watching hexagons till their eyes go funny.

Two bees checking spellings

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